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What job opportunities are available for international students in Germany?

International students have many job opportunities available. International students can search for a job in the relevant department at their university or they can work as working student in the relevant industry. Odd jobs like work in restaurants, security, exhibition halls, packing and sorting etc. are also available. International students can also offer tuition to school kids in many subjects. Having knowledge of German language would be a great tool in finding the job.

How can I transfer my credits in a German public university?

If you have studied some semesters at a university in your home country and would like to transfer these credits to a German public university, it is possible to apply to the higher semester of a same/similar degree program in German public university.

What are monthly expenses for students in Germany?

Monthly expenses largely depend on city you are living in and the living style. Bigger cities are more expensive and finding accommodation is difficult. In some big cities like Munich the waiting time for students to get a room in student hostel ranges from 2 to 4 semesters. An approximate estimation of monthly expenses in bigger and smaller cities is provided in following table. All values are in Euro. Expenses Bigger Cities 1. Rent 300 – 500 Smaller Cities 250 - 400 2. Health Insurance 95 - 110 3. Phone/Internet 20 – 50 4. Travelling (Semester ticket) 40 – 50 5. Food 100 – 200

How can i get accommodation in Germany?

International students can apply for accommodation in university hostel, as soon as they get the admission letter. Studentenwerk of your university manages hostel accommodation and all the information about application process, rent, location of hostels, application form etc. are available on the website of Studentenwerk of your university. In some big cities international students may have to wait for 1 or more semesters to get accommodation in student hostel.

How can I open a bank account?

To open a bank account process, one has to usually get an appointment from the bank. Bank staff will also inform you what documents you are required to take with you, when you go for the appointment. It is very important to have a bank account opened as soon as possible so that the blocked amount could be transferred to your bank account.

Do I need to have health insurance?

Yes, it's extremely important and also mandatory to have health insurance for the enrollment at the university. Without health insurance the registration process at the university can’t be accomplished.

Can I work during my study period?

Yes, as a student you are allowed to work for 120 full days or 240 half days. However, the visa that is issued from home country may not allow you to work till you get your residence permit after arrival in Germany.