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What are admission requirements for bachelor degree in Germany?

Admission requirements for bachelor degree in Germany depends on the schooling curriculum. There are some schooling curriculums which enable the international students to start bachelor degree directly in Germany, whereas there are some other schooling curriculums, which do not provide access to start bachelor degree in Germany. If you are not sure about, whether you are eligible to apply for bachelor degree or not, get your assessment .done now.

What is School Leaving certificate?

School leaving certificate is the certificate that enables you to start a bachelor degree in your home country. This is issued after the completion of your schooling. Examples of school leaving certificates are A level certificate, Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC), Senior School Certificate Examination etc.

What is conditional admission letter?

International students have to fulfill certain conditions/requirements to get admission in a German university. If one or more conditions/requirements are not fulfilled, university may issue a conditional admission letter. Students have to fulfill the missing conditions in order to be eligible to enroll themselves for the applied program.

If an applicant fulfills the academic requirements but not the language requirements, then university may issue a conditional admission letter mentioning the missing conditions, which the applicant has to fulfill before he/she starts degree program.

Can I get a conditional admission letter?

Not every university issue a conditional admission letter. If one or more conditions are not fulfilled, most of the universities reject the applications.

If the school leaving certificate of an applicant is not considered equivalent to German school leaving certificate, then university may issue a conditional admission letter which means once applicant has made the qualification equivalent to German school leaving certificate, applicant can enroll himself/herself at the university in the desired program.

What is Foundation Course/ Studienkolleg?

Studienkolleg is a 1-year program designed for applicants from certain countries, whose school leaving certificate is not equivalent to German school leaving certificate. Applicants from such countries can attend Studienkolleg to become eligible to apply for admission in bachelor degree in German public universities.

Can I complete foundation course / Studienkolleg in English language?

Foundation course can only be completed in German language. Foundation course is not offered in English language.

How and where should I apply for Studienkolleg?

In order to apply for Studeinkolleg, one must apply for bachelor degree at a university. The university will evaluate application and will determine, if the applicant requires Studienkolleg or not. In case applicant has to attend Studienkolleg, university will forward the application to the Studienkolleg associated with it. Separate application at Studienkolleg is not required by the applicant.

Do I need to learn German language, if my bachelor degree is in English language?

If bachelor degree is in English language and you qualify for bachelor degree directly (without Studienkolleg), then you do not need to learn German language in order to get admission. However, learning German language is very beneficial for daily life in Germany and in getting student jobs. You can learn A1 and A2 levels of German language from our youtube channel germany4students for free.

Can I study English taught bachelor program after completion of Studienkolleg?

Yes, it is possible to study for the English taught bachelor programs after the completion of Studienkolleg. In this case English language requirements for the programs, you are interested in must be fulfilled.

What level of German language is required for bachelor degree programs in Germany?

If you apply for English taught bachelor degree and you can get admission directly, then usually no German language certificate is required. If you are interested in doing Studienkolleg, then you have to learn B1/B2 level of German language.

I have studied A Level; can I attend Foundation course?

Foundation course is meant for students from the curriculum who are not eligible for direct admission in bachelor degree. British curriculum students have to fulfill the requirements set for British curriculum and get direct admission.


Do I need to learn German language, if I apply for an English taught master program?

Although English taught programs are conducted completely in English language, there are some programs for which German language certificate of A1 or A2 level have to be included in the application. Knowledge of German language helps a lot in daily life and improves the chances of getting students job during studies.

Which documents are required to apply for admission in master degree?

In general, following documents are required to apply for master degree. 1. CV 2. Bachelor degree and Transcript. 3. Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) and marks sheet / A Level and AS Level Certificates 4. Secondary School Certificate and marks sheet / IGCSE Certificate 5. Provisional certificate from the university in case Bachelor degree is not issued yet. 6. Internship/experience certificate (if required) 7. German language certificate (if required) 8. IELTS/TOEFL certificate or Medium of instruction certificate 9. Copy of passport 10. Motivation Letter (if required) 11. Recommendation letters (if required) Please check the website of degree program you would like to apply to find exact information on the required documents.

What is School Leaving certificate?

School leaving certificate is the certificate that enables you to start a bachelor degree in your home country. This is issued after the completion of your schooling. Examples of school leaving certificates are A level certificate, Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC), Senior School Certificate Examination etc.

What is medium of instruction certificate?

Medium of instruction certificate confirms that the teaching language at your university (where you studied bachelor degree) was English. This certificate can be obtained from your university and included in your application.

My bachelor degree was in English language, Do I still need IELTS/TOEFL?

There are some universities which accept medium of instruction certificate, if your bachelor degree was in English language. In this case IELTS/TOEFL certificate is not required. However, some universities do not accept medium of instruction certificate. If you are not sure about whether you need IELTS/TOEFL certificate for your study programs, book a consultation hour to avoid intensive preparation and save money because you may not require IELTS/TOEFL certificate at all.

What IELTS/TOEFL score is required for getting admission in Germany?

Every university requires a different IELTS/TOEFL score from the international applicants. Required IELTS/TOEFL score also depends on the field of study. Technical study programs usually require 6. 6.5 band whereas business and management programs may require 7 or 7.5 band in IELTS. Some universities do not require IELTS/TOEFL certificate at all. Get our assessment service to determine if you require IELTS/TOEFL at all and if yes, what score is required for the programs you are interested in.

Can I apply directly to the university or I have to apply via Uni Assist?

An applicant can’t make this decision himself/herself. This information is usually provided on the website of university you intend to apply. Some universities require international applicants to apply via Uni Assist, whereas some universities accept the applications from international students directly. If you are not sure, where you have to apply in your case, get our services and apply to the correct place responsible for processing of your application.

Do I need to apply online only or I have to send hard copies of my documents per post?

Every German university follows slightly different application process from the other universities. More and more universities have started accepting applications via online portals in recent years. However, there are still some universities which require application documents to be sent to them via post. Exact information is provided on the website of university you intend to apply.

What are the chances of getting admission in German public universities with low CGPA?

Admission in German public universities is very competitive and good to very good grades are required to qualify for admission in desired program at a German public university. Every year new international programs are introduced at some universities. Newly started programs usually do not set very strict admission requirements. If you have relatively low CGPA/Percentage, it is recommended to apply to newly started programs, where you have relatively higher chances of getting admission.


What job opportunities are available for international students in Germany?

International students have many job opportunities available. International students can search for a job in the relevant department at their university or they can work as working student in the relevant industry. Odd jobs like work in restaurants, security, exhibition halls, packing and sorting etc. are also available. International students can also offer tuition to school kids in many subjects. Having knowledge of German language would be a great tool in finding the job.

How can I transfer my credits in a German public university?

If you have studied some semesters at a university in your home country and would like to transfer these credits to a German public university, it is possible to apply to the higher semester of a same/similar degree program in German public university.

What are monthly expenses for students in Germany?

Monthly expenses largely depend on city you are living in and the living style. Bigger cities are more expensive and finding accommodation is difficult. In some big cities like Munich the waiting time for students to get a room in student hostel ranges from 2 to 4 semesters. An approximate estimation of monthly expenses in bigger and smaller cities is provided in following table. All values are in Euro. Expenses Bigger Cities 1. Rent 300 – 500 Smaller Cities 250 - 400 2. Health Insurance 95 - 110 3. Phone/Internet 20 – 50 4. Travelling (Semester ticket) 40 – 50 5. Food 100 – 200

How can i get accommodation in Germany?

International students can apply for accommodation in university hostel, as soon as they get the admission letter. Studentenwerk of your university manages hostel accommodation and all the information about application process, rent, location of hostels, application form etc. are available on the website of Studentenwerk of your university. In some big cities international students may have to wait for 1 or more semesters to get accommodation in student hostel.

How can I open a bank account?

To open a bank account process, one has to usually get an appointment from the bank. Bank staff will also inform you what documents you are required to take with you, when you go for the appointment. It is very important to have a bank account opened as soon as possible so that the blocked amount could be transferred to your bank account.

Do I need to have health insurance?

Yes, it's extremely important and also mandatory to have health insurance for the enrollment at the university. Without health insurance the registration process at the university can’t be accomplished.

Can I work during my study period?

Yes, as a student you are allowed to work for 120 full days or 240 half days. However, the visa that is issued from home country may not allow you to work till you get your residence permit after arrival in Germany.


Is there any age limit to apply for Ausbildung?

Yes, in order to apply for Ausbildung, one must be 25 years or younger than 25 years.

What level of German language is required for applying Ausbildung visa?

One must learn B2 level of German language to apply for Ausbildung visa.

How early should I apply for Ausbildung place in Germany?

It is recommended to apply around 1 year before the start of Ausbildung.

When does Ausbildung start in Germany?

Ausbildung usually starts in August or September every year.