Assessment Services

50 Euro

What is included?

  • Evaluation of applicant’s qualification.
  • Checking requirements of desired courses
  • Matching applicant’s qualification with requirements and coming to the conclusion If outcome of evaluation is negative, alternatives will be provided
  • If outcome of evaluation is positive, names of universities and application process of universities will be provided.
  • 30 minutes call to discuss the outcome.

Consultation Hour

30 Euro

What is this service for?

  • You would like to apply for bachelor, master, medicine etc. in Germany and have questions about
  • application process
  • Requirements
  • Required documents
  • List of English taught programs of your field
  • Foundation Course / Studienkolleg
  • Application via Uni Assist
  • Ausbildung
  • Credit Transfer
  • Bank account process
  • Visa process
  • Visa requirements
  • Job seeker visa
  • Recognition of Diploma /Degree
  • Permanent Residency / German Nationality
  • OR any further questions related to Germany

Admission Services

1000 Euro

Admission process service is offered to ONLY those applicants, whose assessment result is positive. What is included?

  • Consultation throughout the admission process
  • Application to 5 public universities
  • At least 1 admission guaranteed
  • Complete Bank account process
  • Complete visa process
  • Application for accommodation in university hostel
  • Consultation for post arrival TODOs